Students Activity

Students Activity

Students Club formed
At the instance of the founder of the institution his Lordship Mr.Justice AFM Abdur Rahman, a student Club has been formed on 20th March 2013 in the students-teachers meeting held at the premises of the institution, in order to enhance the extra curricular activity of the Students.All students of the institution,by virtue of their current studentship, shall be the member of the club with a liability of paying a monthly subscription of tk.10.00 to foster the expenses of the club.
The club will arrange
1.Publication of wall magazine quarterly with writings of the students in order to enhance writing power of the students.
2.Publication of Annual magazine to be published in the month of July every year where former students will also wright.
3.Regular debating program in order to enhance the oratory capability of the students.
3.Yearly education tour to different tourist destination.
 4.yearly Picnic program.
5.Yearly Cultural function. 
There shall be a elected executive committee of the club with one President,one General Secretary and few executive committee members, which will carry on the activity of the club.The physical instructor of the institution will be the Adviser of the club.
It was hoped in the meeting that the club activity shall benefit the students of the institution in a number of way .