School History

About the School History
The Name Lender
Dr.Abdul Gaffar Khan MB (Cal)'
'MunshiBari Family' of village Baluakandi is a reputed family within Gazaria Upazila for a number of reasons, amongs others a great man named 'Dr.Abdul Gaffar Khan' born in this family, who being a self-made man became a famous Physician upon obtaining 'Bachelor of Medicine' (MB) degree from 'Calcutta Medical Collage' in the year 1931, when it was impossible for Muslim students to even cross the high school barrier.Upon directed by his teacher professor Hart in the Calcutta medical Collage, he developed his medical practice in Matiabruz, 24 Pargana, Calcutta, India where he served the distressed humanity and by the grace of 'Allah' became a rich man.He purchased Zamindary in Gazaria and also served the distressed people of Gazaria as social worker upon founding and serving 'Gazaria Janakallyan Samity' from 1946 in Calcutta and also in the then East Pakistan as its founding President.During his lifetime Dr.Abdul Gaffar Khan MB (Cal) founded Baluakandi Primary School, Baluakandi Rabeya Khatoon Memorial Madrasha, Baluakandi Jame Masjid, Baluakandi Eid Gha & Graveyard,   Bhaterchar Dewan A.Mannan High School and Bhaterchar Hut and Bazar.In these establishments he donated considerable quantum of Land. He established the Main road of Baluakandi village from Bat-tala to central Mosque upon his ownership land of 22 Bigha.He was a generous donor of money to distressed poor peoples.He served the poor patients of Gazaria free of any charge.
His remarkable service was towards the 'Cholera Patients ' of Gazaria when in the Fifties and Sixties of the last millennium 'Cholera' spreads yearly as epidemic in Gazaria. At that time he rushed from Calcutta and in association with his local resident younger brother Dr.Abdus Sattar Khan ran from door to door of dying Cholera Patients with the 'kalema' in the mouth -La Ilaha illalhu-Muhammadur Rasulallah-Ya Allah Save my brothers of Gazaria from Cholera.This Was Dr.Abdul Gaffar Khan MB (Cal) who served his brothers in Gazaria at the time dire need.
In memory of him, his family established the School under the name & style
 'Baluakandi Dr.Abdul Gaffar High School.'

The Founder

Advocate AFM Abdur Rahman as he was in 1994
Advocate AFM Abdur Rahman is the 5th son out 6 sons and 4 daughters of Dr. Abdul Gaffar Khan MB (Cal). On behalf of the sons and daughters of Dr.Abdul Gaffar Khan MB (Cal)  Advocate AFM Abdur Rahman, while he was a practising Advocate of Bangladesh Supreme Court, founded the School in collaboration with villegers of 4 village,namely 1.Baluakandi 2.Tetuitala 3.Choto Raipura and 4.Tengarchar. An amount of Taka 10 Lacs were expended by the founder in constructing the School structure.
Later Advocate AFM Abdur Rahman achieved Barrister-at-law from Lincolns Inn, U.K in the year 2001 and elevated by the President of Bangladesh as Justice of the Bangladesh Supreme Court in 2003. His Lordship Mr.Justice AFM Abdur Rahman,Barrister-at-law is now,  although a sitting justice, yet he keeps considerable connection with the School and regular visits the School.
Justice Rahman may be reached through e-mail : 

How the School was established
Dr.Abdul Gaffar Khan MB (Cal) during his life time intended to establish a Girls School in Baluakandi village and to that extent did some work.But due to old age he advised his son Advocate AFM Abdur Rahman (as he was then) to continue with the scheme. Dr.Abdul Gaffar Khan MB (cal) passed away on 6th July 1989 (Innahlillahe.......Rajeun). In the year 1992, while Advocate AFM Abdur Rahman was thinking about carrying out the desire of his father in establishing the intended Girls School, one of his companion and elite of Baluakandi village Anwarul Hoque Azad convinced Advocate AFM Abdur Rahman to establish a co-education School, arguing that Bhaterchar Dewan A.Mannan High School being far away from Baluakandi, the students of Baluakandi faces immence difficulity in the highway and some cases of road accident has already occurred where student of Blauakandi was killed.This argument worked well and Advocate AFM Abdur Rahman decided to establish a Co-education High School.

Despite the desire of Advocate AFM Abdur Rahman not to use the name of his father with the School, the insistence of Mr.Anwarul Hoque Azad and Mr.Aftabuddin Sarker,another elites of Baluakandi  and host of local inhabitant attending the 1st preparatory general meeting, Advocate Rahman bow down to the public opinion and accordingly the name of the School was ascertained as "Baluakandi Dr.Abdul Gaffar High School' living aside 'Khan'of his name, for the sake shortening the name of the School.

But difference of opinion grew up in deciding the location of the School. Mr.Anwarul Hoque Azad and some other peoples were insisting that the School be established in the southern side of the village beside the Dhaka Chittagong Highway. But Advocate AFM Abdur Rahman thought otherwise, and ultimately convinced them to establish the School in its present location at the midst of the village, as School located near to Highway, like Bhaterchar Dewan A.Mannan High School,faces interference with noise and for the sake of Calm & quite environment, the School should be placed not only in noise free location but also to allow opportunity to other 3 village students to come to school easily. The wise decision of Advocate AFM Abdur Rahman proved true.

At that time a fresh retired Army man Mr.Mujibur Rahman of Tetuitala village got acquaintancy with Advocate AFM Abdur Rahman, who was carrying profession as 1st class civil contractor in Gazaria. Advocate AFM Abdur Rahman entrusted him with the construction work of the pucca building for the School, who most earnestly and with utmost sincerity, successfully completed the construction work of the School Building within the year 1993, upon finance of Tk. Ten lacs supplied by Advocate AFM Abdur Rahman who also provided Tk .Five lacs to the School fund for keeping the same in Bank as reserved fund, as required by Board regulation.

From 1st January 1994, the School became operative and one local young man Mr.Selim was appointed as  Head Master whereupon as many as 80 students were admitted in class VI.Later the Head Master was changed and the current Head Master Mr.Md. Bashir Ullah was appointed as Head Master, on whose effort the school got its recognition from the Ministry of Education and later MPO was obtained after much efforts.

That being the start, the School became one of the Standard School in Gazaria by making brilliant result in SSC examination since then ,marking as top in the Gazaria Upazila through the sincere and devoted efforts of the excellent teaching staffs. Thanks to Allah.